Bauchtasche Gürteltasche Hüfttasche Festivaltasche Herren Damen Braun Leder Reviews with
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Geschenkverpackung verfügbar

Dieser Lederliebling kann als Geschenk verpackt werden.

  • 2G61-80-15 2G61-80-15





Abmessungen (B x H x T):
30 x 14 x 7 cm
Hergestellt in :
50-150 Mitarbeiter
halbvegetatives Wachs
Eigene Gerberei:
0,25 kg
74 - 136 cm

Der praktische und stylische Begleiter für das nächste Festival - unsere Bauchtasche "Cillian"

  • aus 100% Rindsleder
  • in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich - sicher auch in deiner Lieblingsfarbe
  • robust mit praktischem Reißverschluss
  • für den Minimalisten in dir
  • passt sich dir an dank längenverstellbarem Lederriemen

Der praktische und stylische Begleiter für das nächste Festival - unsere Bauchtasche "Cillian"

  • aus 100% Rindsleder
  • in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich - sicher auch in deiner Lieblingsfarbe
  • robust mit praktischem Reißverschluss
  • für den Minimalisten in dir
  • passt sich dir an dank längenverstellbarem Lederriemen

The minimalist alternative for everyday life or the next festival - our bum bag "Cillian"

The trouser pockets aren't enough, but you don't need a handbag either? We have the solution! Our "Cillian" bum bag can accompany you anywhere where a larger bag would just be a nuisance. Who wants to go to a concert with a cross body bag? Because when you're dancing and pogoing wildly, a handbag just gets in the way! If you still want to have your things on you, "Cillian" can help you: your smartphone, keys and wallet will find their place in the bum bag made of black cowhide. Whether worn around the hips or casually diagonally across the back. You decide! Thanks to the reduced design, "Cillian" goes with every outfit and is not only practical, but also incredibly stylish. Summer can come. On to the next festival!

Our products come from producers who meet the highest standards for quality, sustainability and fair working conditions. By choosing our product, you support a responsible industry that is committed to environmental protection and fair working practices. In doing so, you not only cover your functional requirements, but also demonstrate your ethical awareness.

mehr erfahren

The minimalist alternative for everyday life or the next festival - our bum bag "Cillian"

The trouser pockets aren't enough, but you don't need a handbag either? We have the solution! Our "Cillian" bum bag can accompany you anywhere where a larger bag would just be a nuisance. Who wants to go to a concert with a cross body bag? Because when you're dancing and pogoing wildly, a handbag just gets in the way! If you still want to have your things on you, "Cillian" can help you: your smartphone, keys and wallet will find their place in the bum bag made of black cowhide. Whether worn around the hips or casually diagonally across the back. You decide! Thanks to the reduced design, "Cillian" goes with every outfit and is not only practical, but also incredibly stylish. Summer can come. On to the next festival!

Our products come from producers who meet the highest standards for quality, sustainability and fair working conditions. By choosing our product, you support a responsible industry that is committed to environmental protection and fair working practices. In doing so, you not only cover your functional requirements, but also demonstrate your ethical awareness.

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The minimalist alternative for everyday life or the next festival - our bum bag "Cillian"

The trouser pockets aren't enough, but you don't need a handbag either? We have the solution! Our "Cillian" bum bag can accompany you anywhere where a larger bag would just be a nuisance. Who wants to go to a concert with a cross body bag? Because when you're dancing and pogoing wildly, a handbag just gets in the way! If you still want to have your things on you, "Cillian" can help you: your smartphone, keys and wallet will find their place in the bum bag made of black cowhide. Whether worn around the hips or casually diagonally across the back. You decide! Thanks to the reduced design, "Cillian" goes with every outfit and is not only practical, but also incredibly stylish. Summer can come. On to the next festival!

Our products come from producers who meet the highest standards for quality, sustainability and fair working conditions. By choosing our product, you support a responsible industry that is committed to environmental protection and fair working practices. In doing so, you not only cover your functional requirements, but also demonstrate your ethical awareness.


Warum können wir unsere Produkte so günstig anbieten?

Die Preise unserer Lederprodukte sind fair, konsistent und transparent. Unser systematischer Ansatz bei der Preisgestaltung ermöglicht es uns, Produkte zu einem günstigen Preis anzubieten. Die interne Herstellung einiger unserer Produkte, die Verwendung kostengünstiger Verpackungsmaterialien, die Minimierung der Logistikkosten durch den Aufbau eines eigenen Logistikzentrums und verschiedene andere Faktoren haben uns geholfen, einen angemessenen Verkaufspreis für unsere breite Palette an Lederprodukten festzulegen. Unser Ziel ist es, dass du immer die beste Qualität zum besten Preis erhältst, denn wir möchten, dass unser Lederprodukt zu deinem Liebling wird.

Warum können wir unsere Produkte so günstig anbieten?

Die Preise unserer Lederprodukte sind fair, konsistent und transparent. Unser systematischer Ansatz bei der Preisgestaltung ermöglicht es uns, Produkte zu einem günstigen Preis anzubieten. Die interne Herstellung einiger unserer Produkte, die Verwendung kostengünstiger Verpackungsmaterialien, die Minimierung der Logistikkosten durch den Aufbau eines eigenen Logistikzentrums und verschiedene andere Faktoren haben uns geholfen, einen angemessenen Verkaufspreis für unsere breite Palette an Lederprodukten festzulegen. Unser Ziel ist es, dass du immer die beste Qualität zum besten Preis erhältst, denn wir möchten, dass unser Lederprodukt zu deinem Liebling wird.

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